
Our Little Family

Our Little Family

This past fall, we were given the beautiful and treasured gift of family pictures, but let me tell you the story! One night, after being in the hospital more than out the past few weeks, I couldn’t fall asleep (which was common for me from all the meds). I kept thinking about wanting to have…

More Than Cancer Free

More Than Cancer Free

When I received the portal message last week that no trace of leukemia was found in my body, of course I cried, but I wasn’t quite sure what to do next? In a way, it was anticlimactic in the sense that I wasn’t in a doctor’s office, celebrating with my doctor. Dan wasn’t home, and…

Don’t Waste It

Don’t Waste It

John Piper once said after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, “Don’t waste your cancer.” I have been chewing on that idea for awhile now, especially after being told I’m in complete remission from my leukemia. I don’t want to waste my cancer either. This past summer, I remember at one point, my feet were swollen,…

No Trace

No Trace

Over the past couple of years, God has really challenged our faith. It seemed like medical issues were hitting us left and right and I suppose still are. I’m in the middle of my heart failure and cancer battle, and it has challenged us to the core. One of my mottos throughout this whole journey…

When Life Seems Unfair

When Life Seems Unfair

Do you know someone who is going through a difficult time in life? I don’t know about you, but it seems like every which way I turn, someone is struggling. It just doesn’t seem fair. I thought about this idea and kind of a “why bad things happen to good people” thought and the more…

I Need Thee Every Hour

I Need Thee Every Hour

We have a sign hanging up in our front room/toy room/piano room/office room (let’s just say it’s a multi-purpose room) that has the first phrase from “I Need Thee Every Hour”: I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord, No tender voice like Thine can peace afford. I see this sign every single day, but…