
Grace-Full Goals

Grace-Full Goals

I call these “grace”-full goals because I need God’s grace everyday! Continuing thoughts on “Less Is More”… Aimlessly spending money is what you do when you’re confused about your life’s direction. I thnk that is a very insightful thought. When we randomly buy things, there really is no purpose behind the purchase (typically). I think…

Thrifty Thursday

This post is going to be in combination with tomorrow’s blog about accomplishing goals. One of my goals is to continue to learn how to live simply. Coupled with this is reading more as well (one of my goals this year). I recently read the book “Less Is More” by Cecile Andrews and Wanda Urbanska….

Wednesday – Family Life

Back to the “intentional” blogging, though it may take a turn here and there… So what’s new? Well, we are resting in waiting. I’ll be honest that sometimes I get a little restless in wondering what God has up His sleeve for us, but those moments only last for a short time and am able…

Lessons Learned in Belize

Lessons Learned in Belize

While in Belize, I learned a lot about perceptions. Perceptions of who people are, can be so far off. Have you ever experienced that? When you perceive someone to be a certain somebody, you are judging them purely on the outside. How arrogant, Kristin! I think of some of the people we met in Belize –…