
Go Get ‘Em!

So my goals. I believe this is going to be an on-going list. Some of my goals I will be talking about each day through each day’s subject, so that helps in challenging myself to progress in them. Each of these goals will take being intentional – the overall thing I want to work on…

Blogging Intentionally

As I said in my last post, I want to be more intentional. One of the ways I want to be more intentional, is in my blogging. Some may see blogging as a “chore,” but it is something I have grown to love, have learned more about myself through, has challenged me to be more…

Another Year Is Dawning

A new year has come and with that, means continually working on who I am. One of the biggest things Dan and I want to work on this year is being more intentional. Intentional in all areas of life. As we think about a new year, it is this hymn that explains the things we can…

Why Belize?

In 11 days, Dan and I will be heading to Belize on a mission trip! Hopefully Dan gets over the flu soon and that I don’t get it! Praying hard! It is still hard to believe that God has introduced this opportunity in the way He has, but I can only say we are so…

A New Year of Newness

2013! Wow. Can’t believe it is a new year! Yesterday I was a little mixed-emotioned about the whole “starting a new year.” You’d think after 2012, that we would be very excited about a new year. We are. But, it means saying goodbye to all the good things that happened and just letting go more…