
Easy Coleslaw Side Dish

Easy Coleslaw Side Dish

Do you struggle with what to make for a side dish? Are you wanting to step past the typical vegetable dish? When we were in the Florida keys several years ago now, coleslaw was often served. Growing up, I was never a huge fan of it, but I figured hey, with fish tacos, it might…

Around the Home

Around the Home

This week was quite an exciting week in our household because Mazy could finally go back to school! Our covid quarantine was definitely the hardest for our daughter Mazy, who never got sick (just had the sniffles for a day), but had to miss out on school for a few weeks. But in good ole…

Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode

Heads up, this blog is going to look a little crazy for a short time while I do some renovations! It is time to do some updating, including a NEW LOOK. In the meantime, bear with me since I am no graphic designer! Thank you to all of you faithful readers and hopefully in the…

Around the Home

Around the Home

It is the most wonderful time of the year! We are now out of quarantine and we sure tried to live up the last of it to the fullest! Of course we couldn’t be around people, but we could enjoy the outdoors, the beautiful creation God has given us! Quarantine sure taught us a lot,…

Around the Home

Around the Home

You may have seen in my social media posts that the coronavirus has hit the Sterk household. Here is what I posted: I have the coronavirus. I know this is probably the last thing a heart failure patient should get, but if I’ve learned one thing, it’s how OUT of control we are, and how…