

Content. That’s a difficult word to abide to! I was doing my Bible study for tomorrow and the title of it was “When Disaster Strikes.” The main point I found was that God shows himself in many ways through disaster. He shows to be all-powerful, sufficient, all authority, and all majesty. Because God is to…


Sorry, this post isn’t about the book of Revelation, though I wish I had some interesting insights into that book b/c it’s a great one! But this is about the revelations I’ve experienced today. God has blessed me greatly with putting some very special people in my life along this journey. People who have listened…


Dan put it well today “we are becoming really good at juggling a lot of things at one time and finding ways to make them work.” What he was referring to was our schedule this weekend b/c it was absolutely crazy til about 2 hours ago. Now we have nothing on the schedule, which feels…

Our Jordan River

This past week I’ve taken a look at my life and wondered what God has in store next. I feel like I’m in this “lull” of the unknowns and just kind of waiting for the next best thing. But isn’t my purpose in life to live each DAY for the Lord? To dedicate each day…

Case of the I Can’ts

For some reason today, I have a case of the “I can’ts”. It has been a rough day, reason being that I haven’t really dealt with my feelings deep down for awhile. That was kind of a mistake b/c it’s all coming out today. Some days something will bother me, but I just keep busy,…