
When You Struggle To Pray

When You Struggle To Pray

Do you ever struggle with what to pray for? Do you ever sit down and think “I should pray…” but then have 1,000 other things running through your mind? Do you ever wonder how the monks do it? Maybe beside that point, you wonder what it would be like to live in that much solitude?…

God Cannot Be Stopped

God Cannot Be Stopped

Just think about it, GOD CANNOT BE STOPPED. This truth alone will either put you in awe, or cause an incredible amount of anxiety for you, knowing that you can’t do everything in your power to stop your current situation or change your circumstances. I think we often go through life thinking that we can…

Choosing God In The Journey

Choosing God In The Journey

I merged onto the highway, on the straightaway home. I had 2 hours ahead of me to process what had all just happened. After spending numerous hours in testing, not that they were necessarily physically draining, I was emotionally and mentally spent. Trying to comprehend all that was being done, trying to understand all the…

My Best No

My Best No

I’m a perpetual “yes” sayer. I struggle to let no be a part of my life. It makes me feel uneasy. Unfulfilling. Unworthy. Incapable. I mean really, quite lousy at times! That’s why sometimes I need to not just give my best yes, but my best “no”. So many opportunities come our way, don’t they?…