
What Story Will You Tell?

What Story Will You Tell?

I have not been one to frequent public places during this whole virus deal. I have “underlying issues” that could send my heart into a tailspin, so my husband and I decided to minimize the amount of outside exposure for me when the virus first came out. Then I finally got sick of it and…

Own You

Own You

I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying “own it”. Basically it means to be okay with who you are. Quirks and all! And that is something I think we often struggle with. Yet during this quarantine time, I’m sure you’ve had your life thrown before your very eyes, that has made you take a step…

The Kindness of God

The Kindness of God

Fear. Worry. As much as we want to say our faith is stronger than those words, these emotions and feelings still creep in. I used to be a perpetual worry-wart, and though circumstances have changed my level of worry for the good, I still find myself wondering in certain situations, how is this all going…