Family & Marriage

Around The Home

Around The Home

Home once again! I have spent the past 2 weeks in Michigan, visiting family, soaking in the sun and catching up with family on vacation, and just enjoying the Michigan summers. It was a whirlwind of a trip! We headed to St. Joseph on June 10 (drove through the night) because we had Dan’s Grandma’s…

Another Update On Mazy

Another Update On Mazy

Sweet Mazy can’t catch a break! Let me preface this with saying I know that things could be much worse. Sick children happen and that is a normal part of life. I guess until it is your own and you see how sick they are, I am going to go with the cliche saying –…

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been filled with many snuggles! Mazy got her tubes in on Tuesday and though it was a bit rough after surgery, by Thursday she was her normal self again. Though Sunday she was fussy again – we are thinking another molar is coming in? Maybe? She woke up twice at night,…

Update on Mazy

Update on Mazy

Well, since Mazy’s surgery on Tuesday, things maybe haven’t gone like we thought they would. We were hoping for that “different kid” that the doctor talked about, but she was struggling. Tuesday, the day of the surgery, she took a long morning nap and napped well in the afternoon, so we were thinking “hey, things…

Around The Home

Around The Home

What a week! After 2 1/2 months, Mazy has finally been cleared of an ear infection and is no longer on any antibiotics. This sweet girl has sure been a tough cookie, especially since her first year molars are coming in as well! We were referred to an ENT for Mazy’s ears and at that…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Loving the warm and spring/summer like weather here in Minnesota! That means we are outside almost all day. This past week we decided to make the hole where a tree once was, into a sandbox. When we walk past the back door, Mazy always points outside, to that sandbox. She ends up in there sometimes…