Family & Marriage

Around Our Home

Around Our Home

Instead of a “This Week In Pictures” post every week, I would like to start something new and now call it my “Around The Home” post. If you have ever wondered what a day in the life of Kristin looks like, hopefully these posts will give you just a glimpse! Being fall, that means it…

This Week In Pictures

This Week In Pictures

We have had such an absolutely beautiful fall! In Minnesota, it has been known to snow, so we will take these 60-70 degree weather days ANYDAY! Not only has it been a gorgeous fall, but it has been sunny out as well! It snowed early November last year (actually our biggest snow storm of the…

Mazy Is 7 Months Old!

Mazy Is 7 Months Old!

Mazy is 7 months old! When I was trying to take these pictures, she kept peeling off the sticker. I decided to just let it go because it shows what stage she is at. She is able to figure out how to do things and is so proud when she accomplishes something. So here’s the…

This Week In Pictures

This Week In Pictures

I tell myself that maybe one day I will stop posting weekly pictures of Mazy, but I just can’t quit quite yet! She is just way too camera-loving to stop! Almost everytime I pull a camera out, she gets a big smile on her face. So here’s yet another week, of Mazy-love! She loves to…