
Love To Give

Today is one of those emotional rollercoaster days. Dan headed to deer camp for the week (though I will see him Wed. night through Thurs. night for Thanksgiving), and I think it was hard to say goodbye to him. We are just the best of buds, so it’s hard to think I won’t be seeing…

Be Thankful Always

Thanksgiving is less than a week away! I feel this month I have been preparing more than I ever have for Thanksgiving, which I think is for many reasons. First, I am in a Bible study that is covering that very topic, for a month. It’s been good to think about “other” things to be…

Case of the I Can’ts

For some reason today, I have a case of the “I can’ts”. It has been a rough day, reason being that I haven’t really dealt with my feelings deep down for awhile. That was kind of a mistake b/c it’s all coming out today. Some days something will bother me, but I just keep busy,…

A New Day

A new day. Monday. I was looking forward to today since yesterday b/c yesterday was hard. I woke up thinking it’s a new day! A new day for new adventures. A new day with renewed thoughts. That’s what it has been so far. I worked this morning at church and then head to the bookstore…