Heart Condition

Around The Home

Around The Home

This past week has been one of recovery, which I talked about in my previous post, but I did catch a few other moments on camera! Actually, Dan took the first two – while I was getting the house ready before surgery, Dan took Mazy upstairs to help him mud a room we are trying…



This past Tuesday, I had surgery to implant my ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator). I was the second case that day, so I did not need to be at Michigan’s cardiovascular center (CVC) until noon, which meant one more night that I could spend in my own bed!  As the prep began, as always, it was…

Next Surgery on the Docket

Next Tuesday, I will be having surgery to implant my implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). This will replace the LifeVest that I’ve had since May, and will act as an AED, so to speak, if I were to go into cardiac arrest, which I am at a severe risk for.  This surgery is in preparation to…

The Start Of A New Thing

The Start Of A New Thing

I am a girl who appreciates moderation.  Okay, I used to be slightly obsessed with organizing and minimalizing, but having a child will throw those tendencies right out the window, which was healthy for me.  The same goes for food- everything in moderation. There really isn’t much I won’t eat – give it all to…