Heart Condition


This year has had us on our toes, but even more so, on our knees. It really should have come as no shock when we learned that my heart had taken a decline this year. After learning that heart surgery was imminent, it brought some relief, knowing that the waiting period was ending. Since I…

I Took A What?

A nap. When you hear the word “nap,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s honestly the word lazy. Forgive me for saying that, but for some reason, that is the first word that came to mind after I thought of the word “nap.” Now if you are a napper,…

Accepting Reality

When have you had a hard time accepting reality? When have you pushed aside the truth about your situation, only to find it scream at you later? I am not very good at letting anything slow me down. Just ask my husband. I am great at pushing through until whatever I am fighting against, pushes…

Heart Catheterization Day

One step closer to getting the ole ticker fixed! Today I had a heart catheterization in preparation for my open heart surgery in the future. Unfortunately we still do not have a date, due to the fact that I have to meet with the surgeon yet (which now isn’t until August 21), but after today,…

The Struggle Is Real

The Struggle Is Real

This may not be the most touchy-feely picture to see on a Tuesday morning, but I couldn’t help but see a life lesson screaming from this sight the other day! Dan and I were sitting by the pool, catching up on life after his return from his mission trip to Mississippi, when an ant nonchalantly…

Keeping Focus

Do you ever have those days where it seems like nothing is going right? When Dan leaves, it always seems as if there are just odd things that happen, but they never fail to test me, try my patience, and my faith. Really these things are minor. Truthfully. But when added together, with an already…