Heart Condition

Glancing Back

Proverbs 3:5-6: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.   I can’t help but think of this verse, as I reflect on that fact that we have now been back in Michigan for a month! To look back…

Sign Me Up

Another appointment under the belt! Today my mom and I drove to the University of Michigan to meet with the transcatheter surgeon, to determine if this would be a possible route for me to have surgery (via the groin). After going over my history, it was determined that this is not a possible route, due…

Strengthened With Power

I’m sure you’ve been there. You are in a certain situation in life and you wonder what God’s word has to say. Not that we are trying to “test” God, but in a given moment, you wonder what word He has for you, at that time? Well, today I opened up my Bible to do…

It’s Only A Matter Of Time

How often have you thought, “It’s only a matter of time until…” How in reality, it is just time that is holding you in between events, circumstances, and changes? Today I had my first of many heart appointments at the heart clinic at the University of Michigan. It may seem like a far drive from…

A Deeper Mother’s Day

A Deeper Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day – a weekend to always remember. This day always has many different emotions tied into it for me, for various reasons. I am sure it does for many of you too. Life experiences and circumstances cause this day to be one filled with tears of joy and tears of sorrow. Memories of old,…