Heart Condition

God’s Hand, My Heart

Today wasn’t what we expected, but God was never surprised. The past couple of weeks, a few times I have woken up with shortness of breath and a bit wheezy in the morning. I chalked it up to allergies since we had our window open, and the farmers are in the fields. It all made…

More Than Exercise

I was at an appointment the other week and the lady asked how things were going with parenting. I said with a bit of relief, I felt like we were figuring things out and kind of have it together. She looked at me with almost a look of disgust, as I tried to back peddle…

Our “Agains”

Still digesting. The more I have thought about what God has done to my heart (again), the more I realize how significant this is (again). Not just because we were given the green (again). Oh the beauty of saying the word “again”. Truly, we are content. A few days ago, I felt this urge to…

Another Day Of Miracles

Another Day Of Miracles

When I ever doubt God’s grace and goodness in my life, I don’t have to look very far. When I wonder what God’s purposes are for my life, I don’t have to look very far. Because He chooses, in various ways, to remind me of His miraculous power. I truly believe in miracles. I really…

Heart Update!

Yesterday I headed to the cities to have my 2 month check up. I was a bit nervous about this appointment because typically they do not have me come back so soon. I had added 2 new medications and switched up another one, so part of the appointment was to see too, how well I…