
Wearing Lips of Praise

Sometimes it is hard to even imagine muttering words of praise. In times of trial, death, suffering, and struggles, the word praise can seem overwhelming, daunting, and sometimes even impossible. Have you ever experienced that? In some of our darkest hours, with tears streaming down our faces, we have tried to utter the words, “Blessed…

I Took A What?

A nap. When you hear the word “nap,” what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s honestly the word lazy. Forgive me for saying that, but for some reason, that is the first word that came to mind after I thought of the word “nap.” Now if you are a napper,…

Slowing Down

Dear Mama, I know you’ve been there. That time when you had 1,000 things to do; wait, I mean 10,000. You know what I’m talking about. Your child is waiting at your feet, just wanting to be held, but you just don’t have the time. So you continue to do what you were trying to…

Just Me And My Girl

Just Me And My Girl

Early Friday morning, Dan left for Jackson, Mississippi on the youth group mission trip! It was one of those nightmare situations when he had his alarm set, but it never went off at 2:00am. Thankfully he woke up at 2:52 (8 minutes before he wanted to leave), and needless to say, flew out the door….

Around The Home

Around The Home

It’s pretty crazy to think we have now been back in Michigan for a month now (though one week was spent up north). It sure has been a hectic 4 weeks, but we look at how the transition has gone, what we have learned, what we have accomplished, and we just see God’s guiding hand…