Simple Living

They Are Only Tools

They Are Only Tools

Have you ever been with someone who is present, but not engaged? What was the reason? If I had to guess, it was probably their phone. Guilty as charged. When you think of the evolution of the smartphone, it has effected every relationship to some degree for the good and at times, for the bad….



I have mentioned this in the past, but every morning on our way to school, I ask Mazy, “How did God paint the sky?” A morning this week, we noticed an incredible sunrise with 4 plane lines shooting out of it from the nearby (well kind of nearby) airport. It really was quite spectacular –…

Our Gain or Christ’s?

Our Gain or Christ’s?

Research shows that we make 35,000 choices a day. Choices that lead us towards or away from the goals and visions we have for our lives. These tens of thousands of choices we make also lead us one of two ways – either for our own gain or for Christ’s gain. And I’ll readily admit,…