Simple Living



I have mentioned this in the past, but every morning on our way to school, I ask Mazy, “How did God paint the sky?” A morning this week, we noticed an incredible sunrise with 4 plane lines shooting out of it from the nearby (well kind of nearby) airport. It really was quite spectacular –…

Our Gain or Christ’s?

Our Gain or Christ’s?

Research shows that we make 35,000 choices a day. Choices that lead us towards or away from the goals and visions we have for our lives. These tens of thousands of choices we make also lead us one of two ways – either for our own gain or for Christ’s gain. And I’ll readily admit,…

How To Get Your Time Back

How To Get Your Time Back

Growing up, time felt nonexistent. I remember playing for HOURS outside, making up gymnastics routines, playing basketball on my parent’s old cement slab from their trailer they lived in at the time, before they built their home. Hours would pass without me noticing. Many of us aren’t kids anymore, but we still lose track of…