Simple Living

Living Life Abundantly

Living Life Abundantly

Are you a spring cleaner? Do you get the itch when nice weather rolls around to not only do a deeper clean of the house, but to go through what you have and purge of what you do not need? I’ll admit I get the spring cleaning itch more than once a year, but it’s…

Homemade Stovetop Potpourri

Homemade Stovetop Potpourri

With all of these snowstorms that we’ve experienced in West Michigan, it has called for some creative activities in the house. I grew up with my mom having dried potpourri on the stove and that inspired me to try something myself. Stovetop potpourri. Though not dried and uses fresh ingredients, I have to say it…

Living Life On Purpose

Living Life On Purpose

I don’t know about you, but I know for our family the saying holds true, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. This summer sure is flying by, but it sure has been filled with fun. Even though it’s been “good” things, it doesn’t always mean it’s the “right” things. I would say most often they…

Pursuing What Matters

Pursuing What Matters

The past few days, I have been going through areas of our home that need a little “extra attention”, to put it kindly. During the busy winter months, things have gotten thrown here and there, and it’s time to put everything back in it’s rightful place. And while doing so, I can’t help but think:…

Almost Right Isn’t Enough

Almost Right Isn’t Enough

Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” — Charles Spurgeon Right and ALMOST right. I have heard this quote several times over the past few years and each time, I ponder what I believe to be THE TRUTH. Not that I question WHO is the truth, but the voices of the world are…