Simple Living

Giving Thanks For 2020

Giving Thanks For 2020

Have you ever thanked God for THIS year? I mean, truly. Are you thankful for all that God has done in 2020? I know you’re probably thinking, how in the world can we be thankful for the coronavirus? How can we be thankful for the division that is happening in our country? How in the…

The Only True Cause

The Only True Cause

It all started with wanting to reminisce for a minute… One evening while Dan was gone, I decided to throw it back to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, when the U.S. Gymnastics team took gold. I’ll fully admit, my sister and I were OBSESSED with this. To the point where we could (and still can) quote…

Who Says?

Who Says?

As a parent, have you ever had your child say, “Mom, MOm, MOOOMMM” and you seriously do not hear them, until they pull out the first name, “KRISTIN!” Yes, honey? Too many times. Not that I’m trying to ignore my daughter or have selective hearing, but what I’ve gathered is that there are so many…

Homemade Ant Killer

Homemade Ant Killer

I don’t know about you, but every spring, the ants welcome themselves in and overstay their welcome! I have always used a store-bought ant killer, but I had run out of the old. I could’ve ran to the store, but I quickly jumped online to see if there was a homemade concoction that I could…