Simple Living

Extreme Home Makeover

When people look at my life, what do they see? What comes to mind? I know for myself what I see. I once heard the analogy of looking at your life with an “Extreme Makeover – Home Edition” aspect. At the beginning of the show, they pan the camara around to see all the areas…


Have you ever thought about your wants? Wants vs. needs? While I was cleaning (go figure :)), I was thinking about how much our culture is all about wants. Just watch tv for 5 minutes and you will realize how much “wanting” is thrown at us. I started to think about my own wants. I…

Organizing Life

Something I absolutely love to do is organize and make life simpler. Every once in awhile I go through our cupboards and closets to rid of the “stuff” we don’t use. By rid I mean either throw away, donate, or give to someone I know who needs it. It really is a refreshing feeling! Also,…

Another Year Is Dawning

What I am looking forward to and goals I have for this new year (in no particular order): – Going to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip in February – Getting a clearer understanding of the impact my heart condition will have on my life – Seeing the path God will take us on…

Thoughts about God

Today for some reason I did a lot of thinking. Thinking about the most random things, but all the thoughts just kept leading me to the power of pine sol… just kidding! Dan just came in and read what I typed and said “oh that’s the power of pine sol!” Now I can finish my…

Music to My Ears

Growing up I never really thought I would move out of Borculo because so much of who I am today is because of where I grew up. Little did I know that God would lead me to another location, another town. Since moving to St. Joseph, I have really learned so much about not taking…