
You Are More Than An Opinion

It was one of those days. I was at an appointment with a health professional (not my doctor) and I thought it would just be a routine appointment. It started off with her calling my daughter’s name… “Mazy!” I immediately stood up, gathered our stuff, fumbling trying to quickly put it all in the bag…

Ink On The Couch

Ink On The Couch

So I get this text from my husband: So I was washing dishes and Mazy was playing in the living room. All of a sudden I realized she was being awfully quiet. I looked over there and she was coloring on the couch with an ink pen!!! I think I got most of it off…

Mazy Is 23 Months Old

Mazy Is 23 Months Old

  Stats:  ~ Weight: 24 lbs. 14 oz. Food:  ~ Favorites: grilled cheese, blueberries, fruit pouches, hot dogs, lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, blackberries, crackers, goldfish, cereal, smoothies, fruit snacks, oatmeal cream pies Size: ~ 24 month – 2T clothes ~ 24 month – 2T pants ~ Size 4 diapers during the day…

Around The Home

Around The Home

Hello, Spring! I never thought we would see 60 degree weather in Minnesota in February, but that we have! This past week has been absolutely gorgeous, which meant we spent a LOT of time outside when we could. Unfortunately Mazy came down with what we found out was only a nasty nasty cold after taking…