Christmas Parties!

Welcome Spring! Warm weather has arrived in Minnesota yet again, and we could not be more thrilled! Minutes after getting out of bed, Mazy asks to go to the sanbock (sandbox) to play. She cannot get enough of the outdoors, which makes me wonder how in the world we get through the winter months in…
One last week’s worth of pictures from 2018! Here’s our dazzling princess, I mean Mrs. Clause… One thing Mazy LOVES to do is go to the special dollar store in Hudsonville. There is a plethora of items to look at, and with her $3.00, she wanted to go there and spend it! What joy I…
Oh to be 30 weeks! This week as I was praying and thanking God for taking us this far, I found myself whispering the words to my Father “I am pregnant. I am PREGNANT.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke those words with so much hope, yet peace that God had answered…
It was a typical day in our home. Until the blankies had to get washed. For the past couple weeks, I have been mulling over in my head how I was going to combat the tears, since we had been down this road before. Unfortunately, I came up with no clever solution. So after Mazy’s…
Not much of an explanation needed, so here is what our past week looked like: Note who this is to: Oh the faces… Kid’s camera that is also waterproof…think pool :)… Growing up so quickly… Testing out the cross-country skis from her uncle! She LOVES it! This dog sleeps just like me, all cattywampus!…
As many of you know, there is a woman that I have a friendship with that goes beyond human terms. To describe the relationship I have with Brenda Vriezema, well, it is indescribable. This is the very woman who felt the call of God on her life, to carry our children, when I was not…