Curling – A Great Way to Start Off Olympic Week!

And this is why I love this age: There is never a dull moment when it comes taking pictures of this cutie! Forget trying to keep a sticker on her! Happy 8 months, baby girl! There is just way too much going on around the house to stop and look at the camera! She will…
It is incredibly hard to believe we went from the mid-70s to insanely windy and cold one week later, but here we are! I’ll let the pictures explain… Here was Mazy last week at Lake Michigan… And here is Lake Michigan a week later… That is actually a road that is completely covered in water…
I can tell that things have slowed down a bit for us this week, since I don’t have many action-filled pictures, but it has been a good week at home. Slowly I am regaining strength and each week I am seeing progress. At times I feel exhausted, but Mazy has been good for me. She…
Sunday was an incredible day. Not only were we able to celebrate Mother’s Day, but it was also the day Mazy Grace was baptized! Since my husband works as a youth pastor for 2 churches, we had a combined afternoon service. We gathered in the fellowship hall, since the sanctuary is currently torn down, and…
A month ago, this maybe isn’t how I anticipated celebrating my 34th birthday, but this doesn’t surprise God. I remember thinking before my first surgery, that by my birthday, I wouldn’t necessarily be back to normal, but I would be far on the mend. I would be a week past my post-op appointment and hopefully…
We are turning up the heat here in West Michigan. Or I should say the air conditioning! Fun and sun have arrived and we are trying to embrace it to the fullest. Even though we don’t have a cottage, we decided to make our home feel like a cottage – as my husband would say,…