Day 19: Ribbon – 5 Steps to a No-Mess Ribbon Storage System
You found the PERFECT gift for that special someone. You get home to realize that your gift wrap is nothing but pathetic, and you are embarrassed that you have to put that lovely gift into THAT. Or maybe you are one of those last minute shoppers. You buy the first thing you see and…
You are probably wondering why in the world I am talking about hats and gloves in the middle of summer, but really, this is the PERFECT time to be talking about this! Thinking about a blizzard right now is slightly less than appealing. Though, it is when that first snow storm or blizzard hits that…
I know this sounds like a strange question – but really, what you wear, describes a lot about who you are. Hence why I am telling you about what we wear :). Also, what we wear, also describes what we do. I bet you never thought that your clothes mattered this much :)!! Dan –…
What: Taking a vacation at home Why: Have you met a tourist or out-of-town friend who knew more about your hometown than you did? Ever drive past a museum and think “I need to go there someday,” but realize you have been saying that for 10 years? How about taking a vacation in your hometown? It…
YOU DID IT! Or maybe you have not even started… Wherever you are in the spring cleaning process, whether you are just finishing up, in the middle, or haven’t even started, it all starts… WITH AN IDEA AND SOME MOTIVATION. The desire to want to keep a house clean, doesn’t just happen automatically. It starts with a…
Pinterest. DIY. Handmade. Do you dream about being a Martha Stewart? A Pinterest queen? A daily DIY-er? I used to have high aspirations when it came to crafts. I would have these grand ideas, buy all of the tools and items needed to complete the project, but not always follow through with it. My problem?…