Day 20: Refills and Duplicates

Confession of the Day: I know this sounds like the most simple idea and all it really takes is just putting the duplicates, refills, and extras in a basket. I realized all too quickly that I was buying more of something that I just did not need and it would take me years to go through all of the “extras” I had bought. Now when I am filling out my grocery list, all I have to do is look in this basket to see what I have and what I am low on. No more buying MORE of something I do not need, which means more room in my cupboards and an easy grab when I run out of something.
I have this problem in the kitchen as well as the bathroom, and I really don't want to move things away from where I have them. What about a "no shopping" list to review before each trip, and have with you electronically as well?
I LOVE shopping through my cupboards every week to see what we have and what I can use! It sometimes feels like a grocery store, but sad, really! Great idea!