Declutter and Organize Your Recipes

Tip #15 – Declutter and Organize Your Recipes
It is supper time and you are wondering what to have. You know the ingredients that you have in your house, but you don’t know where to look for a recipe because they are just in a pile. Or maybe you know of a certain recipe, but can’t even imagine beginning to look for it. Consider first, to get rid of ALL recipes you have doubles of. If you are unsure which chocolate chip recipe to get rid of, make both recipes and decide which one you like best. Then make your own recipe binder or buy one. This neatly organizes all of your loose recipes and keeps them in one general area (soup recipe under soup category).
Kristin’s Action Plan: I received a recipe binder as a gift and I can’t rave about it more! It has done wonders for my recipe organization! If my binder is starting to get overfilled, I know I need to get rid of some. I have been working on making the recipes that are in my binder, to even see if we like it. If not, I throw away the recipe. What worth is a recipe if you never make it? Be purposeful about using everything you own!
I have a recipe binder too! However, it's not organized. I love your recipe printables – I might have to incorporate that.
Wishing you a lovely day.
I don't know what I would do without my recipe binder :)! It is a must-have for me to just keep all my recipes organized! Have a good day Jennifer!
oh my gosh! you have just described my chaotic recipe hunting at home.. off to check out the printables.. thank you so much. You just give me hope 😀
There is hope! For me, it is about getting rid of the cookbooks and recipes I never use. Chaotic is a good way to describe our hunting – love it :). Thanks for sharing!