Do You Want To…Go For A Sled Ride?

As you may have read in my previous post, Dan’s Uncle Dave had passed away this past weekend. We did not want to miss the visitation or funeral, so we decided to head home Saturday morning. Our trip home became a little more than what we expected, but right when we think we are getting…
Sure was a snowy and chilly week here in the Midwest! It’s going to be a little quiet here these next 2 weeks as our family goes on a little hiatus to Florida to visit Dan’s parents. We are ready to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate as we explore more of God’s creation and soak in…
I first want to say thank you for understanding what I was trying to say in my last post. I was honestly nervous to post it because it was those deep, deep pieces of my heart, that I knew I wanted to share, but wasn’t certain how they would be taken. Sharing the depths of…
Welcome August! We knew the summer would fly with all the changes and happenings that have been a bit unusual in our summers of the past, but we sure have enjoyed it! The weather this summer has been everything beautiful. We have had very few rainy days, which unfortunately means a dryer summer for the…
This past week we had another wonderful week mainly at home! That has been my goal this Christmas season – to enjoy time at home! Not that we couldn’t go do things, but the fun activities we find to do at home, are just as special! And all the more, our creative juices just start…
This noon, Dan and I were sitting down for lunch and I was telling him how the baby was moving like crazy. I tried to get the baby to move enough so that Dan could feel, but the baby decided it needed a take a rest. Dan turned around and looked that the ultrasound picture…