Easy Bread Maker Cinnamon Rolls

Having a Dutch heritage, there are certain foods and traditions that I hold to pretty proudly. Food is something we really enjoy (though, what culture doesn’t?) The Dutch are often known for their meat, potatoes, and vegetables. One of the “meat” meals that I have loved since a child has been pig-in-the-blankets. Now let me…
Want a restaurant-style meal that you can make at home? This is guaranteed to be a hit! I first discovered the recipe and decided to make it more saucy by adding a jar of alfredo sauce. You can make it without, but we now prefer it with the alfredo sauce. The leftovers even taste good!…
It’s a hot summer day and the last thing you want to do is spend time making a dessert – you’d much rather be lounging in a beach chair or sitting in front the fan. The thought of making a dessert is making you sweat just thinking about! Well, here is the dessert for you…
Finally, one of the last “preps” that you can do to ensure a smooth transition into the school season, is being prepared when it comes to lunches. Think about how much money you spend on hot lunch for your child. Is it possible to save money and make their lunches at home? You are probably…
Pickles. I LOVE pickles. When I heard about a recipe for cucumbers, I knew I had to give it a try. Someone had just offered me some cucumbers, showed me even the recipe that I had heard about the day before, and the next morning, I was found in our kitchen making pickled cucumbers. Never did I think a “pickle” could…
An easy, but tasty snack can be hard to come by. Do your kids ever complain about having the same ole snack everyday? Throwing a twist on an everyday snack may catch them by surprise, but they will thank you for it! The sweet and salty mix in the pretzels will keep you grabbing for…