Wait… WHAT is that? That would be grass, my friends!
We have not seen grass since last November and I am sure anyone living in the north, feels the same way! I wish I was exaggerating, but unfortunately I am not! The wind has blown so hard this past week (especially with the Blizzard Warning a week ago) and with temps that hit 30, this is what happens! Granted, we still have a 4 foot snow drift at the end of our driveway, but who’s measuring, right? I had noticed the grass the other day and thought – “I can’t remember the last time I have seen it!”
So…here’s to SPRING!
Don’t be fooled, we still have tons of snow, but I will take this sight!

We moved to Minnesota because that is where Dan’s job (and God) led us. At that point, I didn’t have a CLUE where I would work or what I would be doing. Somewhat of a strange and uneasy feeling. In fact, rather stressful at times! Pouring through online websites, seeing what’s available, while trying to find the right job so that I could help Dan in youth ministry, was difficult.Then I got this hair-brained idea to start my own organizing website Organizing Life With Less. This new adventure helped me get through those 2 months of not knowing where God was calling me. I had a desire to work at the school, but no positions available at that point, until I heard about a part-time school secretary position. Bingo! I kept thinking it would be the perfect set up, as it would be the same schedule as our youth group kids, would get us involved in school activities, and open the door for greater opportunities (like coaching basketball!)
It was such a blessing! Those first few months for me personally, were difficult. After such loss, I had to find myself again and honestly I didn’t even begin to know what that looked like. I planned on being a mom! But has nurtured that desire through youth ministry and coaching – I couldn’t have asked for a better plan!
Moving to Minnesota has definitely brought it’s own challenges, yet it has also brought us some of our greatest joys: doing what we love in youth ministry. To be honest, we didn’t think it would be as hard as it has been to start so new at two churches. With Dan’s previous position, he knew everyone because that was where he grew up. Moving to unfamiliar territory, while getting to know new kids, family, and a new area, was overwhelming at times. But I will never forget a car ride home one night after youth group. We both sat there and said “we couldn’t imagine life any different and we never thought we could love kids the way we love these kids here.” What a blessed and humbling feeling that was! We know that we are “the new people” and yet, we so don’t feel like that at times because of the relationships we have been able to build.
Another joy about moving to Minnesota has been seeing God’s BEAUTIFUL creation out here! I know we have so much MORE to see (which is why we are so excited for spring and summer!) We have been to amazing sights along the Minnesota River Valley, while seeing cattle run through a creek, waterfalls that are breath-taking, old flour mills in Minneapolis, watching the Tigers and Twins play at Target Field (a must-see stadium), random trips to large lakes that are hours away, while checking out State Parks on the way, taking drives that lead us to who knows where, going to New Ulm to the lovely German restaurant and brewery, testing out the fishing on many lakes, and yet we know we have so much more to go! Our Minnesota Day Trip book has done us wonders! It has shown us places to visit that we would’ve never thought of before! And though we have done much more than what we listed, we know that no matter WHERE we live, we want to embrace the place God has us in. While living in St. Joseph, there are a few things we never did, which we semi-regret. Living in a new state brings new opportunities and new places to explore, which is what we are trying to fully embrace.
We are excited for this next year in Minnesota! We are excited to see what God does in and through us. We are excited to keep exploring His beautiful creation out here. And we are excited for all the visitors that will be visiting as well!
We are blessed to be living in the land of 10,000 lakes (actually, it’s more like 11,000 something…) and I encourage YOU, to embrace the place where you live! You never know when and where God might call you next!