Eyes Wide Open

One thing (among many) that Mazy has taught me is to see the world with eyes wide open.
If you have taken notice, she has some pretty big blue eyes. Not only are they big and blue, but she lifts up her eyebrows, wrinkles her forehead, to open them even wider. Of course I think it is the cutest thing and I have never seen a baby do that before, but each time I take notice, she teaches me to keep MY eyes wide open.
Miss Mazy also isn’t a huge fan of sleep, though to me it is just another way of her saying “mommy, I still want to see the world, so don’t put me to sleep.” She wants to keep those eyes wide open!
The things this little girl teaches me!
What am I missing out on because I have my head down, my eyes on my good ole tracfone, or am just distracted because I don’t have my eyes wide open?
What needs am I missing around me? Who could use a helping hand or use a word of encouragement? What am I closing my eyes to?
A simple thought. A simple thing my daughter of 4 1/2 months has taught me.
Live with Eyes. Wide. Open.