Fighting What’s In My Head, With What’s In My Heart
Every morning that I open my eyes, I am brought back to the reality of our story.
Strangely, in my dreams, I don’t ever remember dreaming about heart failure or cancer. Now granted I don’t always recall everything I dream about, but as far as I can remember, I live a life outside of those two realities in my dreams. And when I wake up, I think, “Oh yeah, the battle continues,” and I am brought back to those realities. It’s an odd feeling.
When I look in the mirror, I notice how much this ole body has been through. The scars, soon to be major hair loss, fatigue, and yet IT’S A NEW DAY. When I’m getting ready, I always think about what’s ahead and how I can use today to prepare for my tomorrows. The numerous appointments every week remind me that we are truly to only take life one day at a time because otherwise, it’s a lot.
But by the end of my time in front of the mirror, God always reassures me of His eternal love and guidance for the day ahead and I’m ready for the battle. My head remembers last year well and so I know what is coming to some extent with intense chemo treatments. It’ll be a whole different ball game, but I remember the last one all too well. So that’s why I have to fight what’s in my head, with what’s in my spiritual heart.
God will not give me more than what he can’t fulfill or supply himself. He will provide for my every need. I have seen him do that time and TIME again. So why do I even wonder? I’m only worrying about something that God has already figured out. I’m just in the process of figuring out, what he’s already figured out. You wanna know how much comfort and peace that brings? Immense.
Now I want to be careful here because even our hearts are tainted with sin. But when our hearts are zeroed in on God’s character, who He is, and what He’s done, it will wipe away every worry, wonder, and replace it with a peace and joy that only He can give. I speak to myself: don’t let the wonders of the future, rob you of the joys of today!
What do you need to mentally fight against every day, with what you know to be true about God? Don’t let the wonders of tomorrow, overtake what you know about our Father in heaven today. Let His peace reign in your heart today!