God’s Promises Are For You Too

Do you believe in God’s promises?
The Sunday school answer would be, “Of course, yes!” But do you really? Believing means you accept something as true, that you are SURE of it. I think there is a difference between knowing and actually believing the promises of God.
This is something I have wrestled with in my own faith and still do. Do I TRULY BELIEVE ALL of the promises in the Bible? Sure I can know them, but do I believe they are for ME TOO? Like when it says in Psalm 73:26, “My heart flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and portion forever”, do I believe that about my life too?
When my faith is tested and I question whether God is as near as He says He is, I have to remember that indeed, He wrote those promises for ME TOO. And the best way I have found to ensure that I believe that God wrote them for ALL of us, is to replace the pronouns with my name. It changes them from being knowledge to belief and faith. Faith that God meant these promises for me too. I’m not trying to change what the Bible says, but I think often we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying to our hearts. That God is a PERSONAL God who wants a relationship with us. He WANTS us to trust His EVERY word. But it’s hard when trials and tribulations come. But changing that pronoun to my name, reminds me that He just wants me and in turn, it makes me just want Him all the more.
I want you to read these verses and replace them with your name. Does it feel more personal and real? Remember, God wrote the Bible for you too. It’s not just some history book, but HIStory and He wrote it with YOU in mind. YOUR situation. YOUR circumstance. He knows every hair on our head and our every need. So let the promises of God sink in:
Psalm 73:26: “Kristin’s flesh and Kristin’ heart may fail, but God is the strength of Kristin’s heart and Kristin’s portion forever.
John 6:33: “I have told Kristin these things, so that in me Kristin may have peace. In this world Kristin will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Deuteronomy 31:8: The Lord himself goes before Kristin and will be with Kristin; he will never leave Kristin nor forsake Kristin. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
You see how just these passages change from words on a page, to personal promises from God? He just wants you to trust every part of who He is. He is WORTH trusting and WORTH giving the glory to. May these promises sink in deep, but also as you realize Scripture is for YOU TOO. May this spur you on to keep digging into His Word! Read the Psalms with this in mind and it will calm your fears, overwhelm your heart with peace, and increase your love for Him. God’s promises are for you too.