Grace-Full Goals – Handmade Bag
I am always intrigued by what other people’s days look like. Why, I am not sure. I don’t feel the urge to be like them or have my days like their’s, but maybe it’s because there is a lot to learn about someone by how they live their everyday life. I guess that is why…
While my sister and I walked along the beaches of Mexico, we started to talk about New Year’s resolutions. She asked if I had made any and ironically I had not (and that is STRANGE for someone who LOVES to plan)! That question really started to make me think. Why didn’t I make any? There…
Goal: Expand my crafting skills One thing I REALLY wanted to work on during this down time in our life, was my crocheting skills. I started to crochet baby blankets when I had two friends have babies. That love continued to grow and I decided to just keep making them. Crocheting is something I just…
Last Monday at 5:00AM, we headed out from Unity CRC in Prinsburg, MN, and drove the 11 hours to Stevensville, Michigan, for the Solid Rock Youth Group Mission Trip. Why our hometown? Because of the short amount of time we have been here and because most organizations need applications in at least by March, we…
We are busy preparing to leave for Newark, New Jersey tomorrow with Roots! See what we are up to during our mission trip by checking out our blog at: We are hoping to do daily updates!
Take a look around your home. If it takes getting up from you computer desk or putting your computer down, go for it! Walk around your home and see what is gathering dust. Make a mental note or even write down those things that are getting an extra layer of “protection”. What do you think…