Hosanna in the Highest!

As Holy Week begins, may we remember how it all started with Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem while riding on a donkey. People waved palm branches and put down their cloaks, as a sign of reverence and submission to him. It was only days later that he was then crucified. What a turn of events. May we also welcome him into our lives as we reflect this week on what he truly went through for us.
He knew what was coming. He knew what was going to happen. And yet he obediently and willingly went through the process on our behalf so that we could celebrate Sunday.
Don’t lose sight of what this week means. Open up your Bibles and read what happened. May it even draw you to tears, the magnitude of what this means! Let it spur you on to share what Christ has done for you. Don’t let this week of spring break, Easter dresses, and Easter eggs, cause you to forget about what truly happened and why we celebrate. To God be the glory for the great things he has done!