How I Make The Most Of My Days
I recently talked about my fool-proof way to never forget to buy, do, or go to something – and it’s all in a sticky note. Well what else do I use a sticky note for? Not only for daily reminders, but to maximize my days.
I am a do-er. If I can cross something off my list of things to do, boy this girl feels accomplished! I have even been known to write down what I had accomplished that wasn’t on my list, just so I could cross it off. I know, weird.
So how do I make the most of my days? How do I accomplish what I need to do in a day? How do I maximize the hours I’ve been given?
It’s as simple as this: write down what needs to be accomplished in the next few days on a sticky note. It’s not rocket science. When I accomplish something, I cross it off. I can add to the list at anytime, but it is an on-going sticky note, that I rewrite every few days to incorporate new ideas and then clean off the old. I RARELY forget to do something, like I said in an earlier post, thanks to sticky notes! I should really buy stock in those things because I’ve been able to accomplish more in my days, thanks to them.
As a stay at home mom, I feel like my mind is constantly thinking about what I need to do. In attempt to get some things accomplished, interruptions happen frequently, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it gives me NO shot of remembering what I was doing 2 minutes ago; let alone think about what I am attempting to accomplish within the day!
So right now, I have a sticky note for groceries, another one for long term things I want to accomplish that can be done on a snowy winter day, and one for things I want to accomplish this week. These notes are small, I know where to find them, I can take them with me to the store if needed, and it’s just a system that has worked well for me.
I used to use a planner, but I found myself writing notes to myself constantly on little pieces of paper, instead of in my planner, so last year I did away with the planner and just used a small wall hanging calendar for my big events. Then chose to use just sticky notes for the “rest of my life.” The day-to-day things. And thus far, this system hasn’t failed me. Plus, oh the joy when I can fold that note in half and put it in the garbage, never having to look at it again! Where in a planner, I still have to look at the long list of things I am doing, instead of freeing myself from them by throwing it away.
How do you make the most of your days? What is your tried and true method? Are you a sticky note user? Do you use a planner? Your phone? What do you prefer?