How To Freeze Corn

1. To start, use the freshest corn you can. If you pick some and can’t freeze the corn right away, just store it in the refrigerator or in a cooler.
2. Husk the corn – this means getting all the “hairs” off.
3. Find the largest pot you have and boil enough water so that ALL the corn can be submerged in the water without it overflowing.
4. Bring water to a rolling boil
5. Add corn
6. Blanch corn for about 5 minutes (some say 4-6 – I chose a happy medium)
7. Remove corn from boiling water
8. Place corn in ice water to cool (to stop “cooking”)
9. Drain
10. Cut corn off the cob with a sharp knife. Make sure you have a big enough pan to catch all of the kernels when you cut them off

11. Bag the corn and label

By freezing corn, you have the joy of eating “fresh” corn throughout the winter – definitely beats canned and frozen-in-the-bag corn!
To eat, you do not need to cook the corn – simply heat corn in the microwave (add a little butter if needed) and serve!