Introducing Our Olympic Swimmer!
A friendship designed in heaven. That is the only way I can describe the relationship we have with Brenda. This past weekend, she made the trek out to the north and visited us for a few days! It was QUITE cold; in fact, a few hours before she came, it was SNOWING! The first “snow”…
I have this odd love of designing our own Christmas cards. For years I made our own out of scrapbook paper, a picture, and usually a little letter in it. I don’t really have the time to do so anymore during this stage of life, but I still like to design one using my fav…
I realized that I have posted very few pictures of the outside of our new home! Even though we have done a lot of painting on the inside, there has also been much work done to the outside as well! We have cleared out brush, cut back the landscaping, and are working on the backyard….
Sunday was an incredible day. Not only were we able to celebrate Mother’s Day, but it was also the day Mazy Grace was baptized! Since my husband works as a youth pastor for 2 churches, we had a combined afternoon service. We gathered in the fellowship hall, since the sanctuary is currently torn down, and…
Sometimes the last person I can give grace to is myself. I am a whole lot more patient with others, than myself. One thing heart failure has taught me is that I can’t control how I feel. I suppose to a certain degree I can, with what I do and eat, but I can’t control…
Merry Christmas! Can you believe it’s Christmas Day already? Though I feel I was way more prepared for it this year than I have been in the past! Yesterday we were at Dan’s parent’s house to open gifts (pics to come) and at night we went to their church for their Christmas Eve candlelight service….