Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?

If we look in the Bible, Sarah was old and past the age of childbearing. How could it be that she would eventually have a son? It was so bizarre that Sarah laughed to herself, thinking how in the world could this be? In fact she even lied to God when He asked her if she laughed, but of course He knew the answer and told her, “Yes, you did laugh”. But God asked Abraham (who also was no youngin’) why Sarah laughed and said, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Sure enough, by that time the next year, Abraham and Sarah had their son, Isaac.
What would I do in that situation? What would you do? Would you laugh? Would you doubt that God would hold to his promise to carry on the family line through Abraham and Sarah? If I’m being completely honest with myself, I don’t think I’d react much different than Sarah. I probably would laugh. And I might even lie about laughing, not wanting to show my doubt in Him.
And this story leads me to today. It has been quite the past 7 years. Ever since we moved back to Michigan from Minnesota, 7 years ago, and I had an open heart surgery that would begin the chaos. God has led us on a journey that has seemed unimaginable at times. Yet I see prayer after prayer answered and I am left to ask, is anything too hard for the Lord?
At the same time, I sometimes feel like Sarah. I doubt. I wonder. It has felt that many prayers have been left unanswered, or prayers left answered, not in the way we wanted them to be. They have left us wondering if God sees what is happening? Does He see our pain? Our weariness? Our frustration? Yes, every single one of them He does and He feels every single one of them, right along with us. We’ve seen miracles in my life and we’ve seen healing time and time again – so is anything too hard for the Lord?
It is not.
Why? Because He has the ultimate say in everything under the sun. He has the ultimate hand in every situation. He allows the ultimate good for every scenario in life. Nothing is too hard for him. Think about the Red Sea. Five loaves and two fish that fed 5,000. He arose from the dead. NOTHING is too hard for him. He is sovereign, and I am not.
I’m brought back to my own life. I want to believe that he can heal me from cancer. I want to believe he can heal me from my heart failure. I know he can because nothing is too hard for him. He healed my heart enough so that I could have a bone marrow transplant! But what the future holds, I don’t know. I desire normalcy and a break from it all, but only God’s sovereign, good, and perfect hand knows what’s best for me and my family.
I don’t know what you may be facing, but remember, NOTHING is too hard for the Lord. Remember how he has been faithful in the past. Remember what he has brought you through. I need to do the same thing; God has brought us through some pretty wild circumstances. And yet they all prove that NOTHING is too hard for our Lord.
Pray boldly. Pray confidently. Pray knowing that He can. And in the midst of those prayers, be ready to do whatever His will may be. For that’s the safest place to be.