Just Like You

I knew there was that one toy we just had to have.
I knew there was that one toy we just had to have.
I was at an appointment the other week and the lady asked how things were going with parenting. I said with a bit of relief, I felt like we were figuring things out and kind of have it together. She looked at me with almost a look of disgust, as I tried to back peddle…
If “eat healthier” has been on your list of resolutions for, say, the last 10 years without success (or you’ve recently fallen off the healthy-eating wagon – again!), you might feel like throwing in the towel for 2018. Don’t give up yet. Feeding your family healthy meals in a doable way does NOT have to…
Do you get overwhelmed easily? I have talked numerous times about being “enough”. I feel the need to talk about this because that is often a ringing conversation I have with others. No conversation sticks out in particular, but being “enough” is really an idea that our culture speaks against; therefore, causing that good ole…
Since Mazy has been born, we have tried to establish our own little tradition for Christmas, but not being home, we haven’t been sure how to do that. We have not been at our own home for Christmas since we have moved out to Minnesota. We knew we wanted to get Mazy SOMETHING for Christmas,…
I know, I know, you are probably wondering how in the world someone has time to declutter their home every single day. I wondered how in the world it was possible too, until I started to do it. I have had many times in life when someone asks me why I do or don’t do…
It was just like any other drive home from town. We ran our normal errands, like we do every week. Can I just say, thank you Aldi for not lining the checkout lane with countless things for kids to grab? Another reason why you have my business! With a quick stop at Wal-Mart, we were…