Learning To Live A More Beautiful Life

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Do you ever get overwhelmed by how many books there are on the market describing ways to improve your life, find your better self, and accomplish all the things you want to in a day, with time at the end to soak in the tub and not have a worry on your mind? I know I’ve been there, thinking that there is an answer to everything, and so I try over and over again to find “that answer”, but always seem to come up short. Coming up short on how to live a more beautiful life.
I had the opportunity to read A More Beautiful Life: A Simple Five-Step Approach to Living Balanced Goals with HEART, by Whitney English, that is being released on May 3, 2022. I’ll be honest, at first I thought, “I don’t have the mental energy to read a self-help book”. When I started it, it felt a bit like one of “them”, but after the first few chapters, I kept thinking how helpful this book would have been when I first got married!
A More Beautiful Life is a telling of Whitney’s personal experience as an entrepreneur, but also as a wife and mom. She has created a system called HEART, similar to the SMART (specific, manageable, assignable, realistic, and time-related) idea, but focuses more on finding balanced and realistic goals, and not making life all about what we accomplish, but more about who we are becoming. She writes this book from the perspective of her Christian beliefs, though it is no an overtly “Christian” book, in the sense that those of all walks of life will hopefully glean from what the simple beauty of faith in God looks like.
Back to Whitney’s system of goal-living (not just goal-achieving), HEART works through these 5 steps:
- Help Yourself
- Empower Yourself
- All Your People
- Resources and Responsibilities
- Trade and Talent
Like I said, I wish I would’ve had this book in hand when I was ready to get married or within the first couple years. There are many helpful tips that she gives from her personal trial and error experiences that I found myself relating to.
At the end of each chapter, there are questions to ponder, to help you create a more beautiful life. It helps you move from the idea of just setting goals and never accomplishing them, to actually living them out and making the most of our short time here on this earth. This book doesn’t ask to change who you are, but encourages you to reflect and delve deep into who God created you to be, while living your days with purpose.
Even though I’ve been married for almost 16 years, I found myself really focusing on the “A” of HEART because as time goes on, relationships change too. “All Your People” helps focus on the different levels of your relationships and how we are wired to invest in different ways with different groups of people. It was very eye opening to read, especially when I see how my relationships have shifted over different seasons of life.
If you are looking to re-prioritize what matters to you, find ways to nourish your heart, body, and mind, make the most of every opportunity, and find ways to live out the goals you have in life, in a healthy way, this book is for you! And on a side note…this book is very easy to pick up because of the beauty of it! When they say don’t judge a book by its cover, well, this cover makes this book easy to pick up and therefore making it an easy read too.