Less You Own, The Less That Owns You

Less you own, the less that owns you.
Less you own, the less that owns you.
I want to break my own mold and start picking up my Bible more and my phone less. I want to break my own mold and just sit and be, instead of going and doing. I want to break my own mold and not think about what else we need, but what else we can get rid of or give away.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I struggle with the start of a new year. So much anticipation, so much pressure to set the “right” goals and really, to even set goals in and of themselves. And then to start off the year somehow… Perfect. Do you ever feel that way? I know I…
I was busy doing something on the computer when Mazy asked me to help her with something. I told her to wait just a minute and mommy would help her, but she was pretty persistent. I was trying to find some papers we needed for our house loan, but then before I knew it, I was…
The phone rings and you have to take a message. You try to find a piece of paper but nothing is in sight. So you end up taking a note on your son or daughters homework. After you hang up, you find all sorts of paper you could have used. Instead, now your child has…
Read the title of my blog and it’s in your face: organizing. For some, the word “organizing” causes one to cringe because they can’t imagine having an organized life – let alone an organized life with LESS. Do you ever think “but organizing costs MONEY!” If organizing DID cost money, I would tend to agree…
I remember when I was in college, at one of my routine heart appointments, I remember my cardiologist saying that one of the best things I could for myself was live life with the least amount of stress as possible – for my heart’s sake. And that idea, I have taken with me not only…