Mazy Is 16 Months Old

~ Not known
~ Favorites: pizza, mac n’ cheese, hot dogs, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, fruit food pouches, cheese, graham crackers, goldfish, strawberry milkshakes, peanut butter and jelly sanwiches
~ 18 month-2T clothes
~ 18-24 month pants
~ 18-24 month onesies
~ Size 4 diapers
~ Wakes up between 7:45 and 8:30.
~ Goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30.
~ New words: eyes (for sunglasses), keys, bo (for motorcycle)
~ Knows where more things are in her 100 First Word books.
~ Started to walk – but only if Dan is around. Otherwise she doesn’t have the confidence. Will walk along everything in the house though, including walls
~ Has 12 teeth – just got her last first year molar in
~ Loves any animal
~ Starting to like more foods – bananas and raspberries
~ Scoots all over the house
~ Started to sleep through the night more and more! Still wakes up after going down for the first few hours, but each week there are a few more nights she sleeps through!
~ Is starting to dance and sing more if she hears a song come on
~ Had her first hospital stay on July 2 and 3 for a virus.
~ Loves to rough house – especially get thrown around on the bed!
~ Enjoys anything outside – sidewalk chalk, water table, playing in the sand
~ Started to pull out her hair after naps.
~ Enjoys going on walks and bike rides
~ Still says “hi” to anyone who will look at her or walk past her, catching them quite off guard.
~ Favorite Toys: balls, violet, anything in the cupboards, sunglasses, cell phone, bristle blocks, record player, playing the piano, her car
~ Loves anything to do with water
~ Can’t get enough of babies – wants to them, even if they are complete strangers
~ Has not had any trouble with her ears since she got her tubes