Mazy Is 19 Months Old!

~ Unknown
~ Favorites: lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, peanut butter and jelly, cereal, smoothies
~ 18 month-2T clothes
~ 24 month – 2T pants
~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night
~ Wakes up between 8:15 and 9:00am. Likes to wake up for awhile and then eat breakfast about 1 hour later. Eats lunch at about 11:45 and goes down for a nap between 12:00 and 12;30. She usually sleeps about 2 hours, sometimes more and sometimes less. More cuddles and playing, then dinner at 5:00 or 5:30. Between 4:30 and 6:00 is her fussy time, so we know to just keep her entertained as much as we can. At 7:20 we do a bath, melatonin at 7:45, Daniel Tiger or PraiseBaby per her request, and to bed at about 8:30.
~ New words: legs, back, tractor, house, mouse, grandpa and grandma (though it comes out nothing like the word!), and Parker. Really, she can repeat anything we say!
~ Has all her teeth except her 2 year molars
~ Is talking very well and understands what we ask her to do. Knows how to throw something away, get her shoes or jacket, or go to the bathroom.
~ Enjoys singing more and more
~ Can climb stairs
~ Learned to build towers and then knock them over.
~ Can sleep through the night!!!!!!
~ Likes to go on walks, as long as she can walk too.
~ Loves everything to do with being outside
~ Sleep trained her again and can now go back to sleep without us picking her up!
~ Still obsessed with Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (Danny as she calls it)
~ Loves grapes!
~ Praying before meals is a highlight of the meal
~ Favorite toys: car, Usborne books (really any book), swing, sandbox, blocks, playing mommy with her doll, coloring, and taking things out of drawers.
~ Likes to clean with mommy