Mazy Is 5 Months Old!

Stats:Well, we won’t have official stats again until her 6 month appointment, but all I have to say is that she is GROWING! She eats like crazy and she is one healthy girl!
Food: Mazy still eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 4-6 ounces each time. We have been enjoying feeding her cereal and just recently started her on vegetables. She will only eat oatmeal and is no longer a fan of rice cereal. Her first vegetable was green beans, but she was NOT a fan, so we mixed her oatmeal cereal in with it and then she ate it. She eats at 3:00am, 7:30, 11:00, 2:00, 5:00/5:30, 6:30/7:00, and 8:30 each day. We feed her solids 2-3 times a day, usually at noon and then at supper time, and sometimes before bed, in hopes of filling her up so she will sleep through the night (which she struggles to do).
Size: Mazy wears all 6 month clothes, 6-9 month onesies, and 9 month sleepers. She wears size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night.
Routine: Mazy is definitely growing up! Her eating times are pretty consistent, feeding every 3 hours. She will usually take a nap 1 1/2 – 2 hours after her feeding. After the morning feeding, she will usually sleep for 1 hour. The 11:00 feeding/naptime 20-30 minutes. The 2:00 feeding/naptime anywhere from 1-2 hours (depending if I hold her or not). Then she will usually take more nap sometime before she goes to bed, but the time changes daily, being anywhere from 5:30-7:00; just to tie her over until bedtime.
Mazy is still waking up at night at like 12:30 or 1:30. Usually if I just put her pacifier back in, she is good until 3:00. We have recently let her cry it out at those times and we have had success! Sometimes she wakes up more, sometimes less, but that’s a typical night. She is still drinking a full 5 oz. bottle at night, so I have no problem getting up with her at night. Though, JUST last night, she slept til 5:30, so woohoo! We will take it!
During the day, I try to go on a walk or jog with her in the morning, and she usually falls asleep. Naps are going a little better, though she still fights them. I have a rhythm down, but she will usually fuss for a bit, but she will usually fall asleep within 5 minutes in my arms. I have tried to just put her down and let her cry it out, but she will cry for 30 minutes and I find it’s not worth it. She’s a bit young yet and that girl needs her naps, as much as she doesn’t think so :).
Each day we try to read a few books, have tummy time, and go outside. She loves her activity center, playmat, jumperoo, bumbo activity center, taggie blankets, and of course me jabbering her ear off. Our nighttime routine consists of giving her a bath, feeding her cereal (if she hasn’t had 2 servings already), and giving her a 6-7 oz. bottle. We can usually lay her in her crib and sometimes she will just fall asleep.
Milestones: Mazy is VERY close to sitting up on her own. She can usually sit unassisted for about 5-10 seconds. She found her feet and loves to play with her toes. She still loves her First 100 Animals book, but really enjoys any book you read to her. She does enjoy the white and black contrast, so any book with no color is just fine. She is enjoying her taggie blankets more and more. Funny sounds and funny faces make her giggle. She can also roll to her side, which is wonderful if she drops a toy.
Other Things To Remember:
- Mazy is starting to enjoy laying on her tummy and can reach for toys
- She doesn’t roll over as quickly because she enjoys her tummy more
- Mazy went to Michigan for 3 weeks (one of them being our youth group mission trip)
- Mazy’s hair is really starting to get thick on top and it is VERY blonde, but she has her brown mullet in back yet!
- She has grown out of her acid reflux issues! Woohoo!
- Mazy enjoys standing up against furniture
- Mazy loves going on walks and now we have a jogger and bike stroller, so she loves them even more!
- Mazy is starting to thicken up – she still only has one roll on her legs, but she is definitely a healthy little girl!
P.S. Let me know if you have any knew ideas for blog title names! Looking to revamp this site a bit, since I stopped blogging for Organizing Life With Less.