Mazy Is 7 Months Old!

Stats: She was weighed earlier this week and came in at 18 lbs. 6 ounces!
Food: Mazy eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 5-6 ounces each time. We feed her a fruit or vegetable twice a day and then cereal at night. She is starting to like peas and green beans! She really will eat anything we give her. We tried the puffs, but she couldn’t get it down, so we are going to wait til we try those again. She doesn’t do too great with textured fruits and veggies, but does okay with thick cereal. I still try and make my own baby food, and now it’s been fun to make a mixture of foods, like apples/bananas/peaches, peach/mango, carrots/peas, carrots/squash, avocado/banana. I totally try her baby food and found that some taste REALLY good! I am known to sneak a bite or two when I feed her.
Size: Mazy wears all 9 month clothes now, 6-9 and 9 month onesies, and 12 month sleepers. She wears size 2 diapers during the day and 3 at night. Though we are almost out of 2s and I am just going to move up to 3s.
Routine: Mazy is still sleeping through the night, though does wake up once or twice, but doesn’t have to eat. She can typically put herself back to sleep, but at times she is literally just wide awake, so it takes a bit more than just putting her paci back in.
Mazy typically wakes up between 7:30 and 8:00am. We feed her a bottle, play for a bit, then after about 1 to 1-1/2 hours, she is ready for her morning nap. She usually sleeps about an hour, then it’s feed time again. After that, either we go for a walk or run errands. By about 1:00 she is ready for another nap, where she will sleep about another hour or so. When she gets up, another bottle and more play time. Since it’s been nice, we try and go outside again, read books, etc. By about 4:30, she is ready for 1 more nap, where she will sleep for another hour or so. At night we will go on a walk and by 7:30 she is ready for bed. We will give her cereal, a bath, then her bottle and recently at about 8:00, she is ready to go down for the night.
- Mazy sits up very well on her own, but we still set the boppy behind her b/c she still likes to throw herself back.
- She LOVES to stand up! If we put toys on a chair, she loves to talk and play with them.
- She is starting to like tummy time more if we are laying down there with her, but gets frustrated because isn’t quite sure how to crawl, but wants to.
- She doesn’t roll a lot because she just loves to sit up now.
- We still put her in her bouncy seat awake, for naps, and she will put herself to sleep!
- She moves toys from hand to hand, very well. Her grip on things is becoming better and better!
- She is starting to hear sounds and look in their direction.
- Mazy loves to touch EVERYTHING. She loves faces too!
Other Things To Remember:
- Mazy loves books – still her Quack Quack book, but also a pony book too.
- She is learning how to press buttons and spin toys on her activity center
- She can now suck her toe, which she thinks is great fun
- She is teething, though no signs of them. She will chew on ANYTHING she can get her hands on.
- She loves to try and grab things that are out of reach – just to see how far she can get
- At the grocery store, she turns the eyes of everyone we walk by. She talks to anyone who will look at her and has people chuckling as they walk by. It’s adorable!
- We had to take her in for a rash, but all it was, was eczema. Easy enough!
- Mazy still likes to look out the window and watch cars go by and of course, she still just loves to be outside!
- Walks and bike rides never get old for her
- She knows when she gets a reaction out of us because she gives us this big cheesy smile and squeals. She’s a smartie pants!
- The only time she cries is when she is tired. What a difference from a few months ago!