Mazy Is 8 Months Old!
Stats: Unsure, but we know she is growing length-wise because many of her pants are too short!
Food: Mazy still eats about every 3-4 hours and drinks about 5-6 ounces each time. We feed her a fruit or vegetable twice a day and then cereal at night. She can now eat Gerber Puffs if we break them up into 1/4s, which is a small towards chewing food, I suppose! She still does not do great with textured foods like homemade pureed meats, but she will eat basically anything!
Size: Mazy wears 9-12 month clothes, 6-9 and 9 month onesies, 12 month sleepers, and some 18 month pants for length. She wears size 3 diapers all of the time now. She is pretty skinny, but 3s give me (and her) some wiggle room, so I know she won’t wet through them.
Routine: Nighttime sleep has been a bit more difficult for her because of teething. A few months ago, I thought she was teething, but now I am starting to understand what teething really is! She is a cute little drool monster, who has a tough time sleeping sometimes. Some nights she won’t fall asleep solidly until about 3, but other nights she will sleep through the night. Tylenol does not seem to help, so we just pick her up and rock her (I know, rough life, right?) Honestly, those late nights with her are precious, when I put sleep aside. She just nuzzles into your arms and falls asleep. The transfer from arms to crib is a bit difficult, but holding her is just such a beautiful thing! I often have the radio playing quietly and what joy it is to sing over her! I know one day these days will be no more.
Mazy typically wakes up between 7:30 and 8:00am. We feed her a bottle, play for a bit, then after about 1 1/2 – 2 hours, she is ready for her morning nap. She usually sleeps about an hour, then it’s feed time again. After that, either we go for a walk or run errands. By about 1:00 she is ready for another nap, where she will sleep about another hour (or more). When she gets up, another bottle and more play time. Between 4:30 and 5:30, she is ready for 1 more nap, where she will sleep for about 30 minutes or an hour. At night, we give her cereal at 7:30, a bath if needed, a bottle at 8, and bedtime somewhere between 8:15 and 9:15. That little girl just loves to play, so sometimes she is not ready for bed until later (which actually helps her sleep better at night, if she can make it that long).
- Mazy sits up completely on her own, with no support
- She LOVES to stand up still! I
- Mazy wants to crawl, but doesn’t quite understand how, so she gets frustrated. Otherwise tummy time is going much better!
- She doesn’t roll a lot because she just loves to sit up now.
- For naps, Mazy sleeps in her crib or bouncy. We can put her down awake and she will put herself to sleep. Sometimes we can tell she won’t fall asleep, so we try again about 15 minutes later and then it usually works.
- Mazy’s hands do what she wants them to do
- She likes to wave at everything!
- She reaches her hand out to see if she can touch EVERYTHING. It’s adorable!
- Mazy says “Da-da” and “Ma-ma” but doesn’t understand what she is saying (though we like to claim she does)
- Mazy loves the walker at church
- She likes to walk when you hold onto her hands
- Mazy has learned to clap! If we say “YAY”, she will typically clap
- She is starting to get the hang of her sippy cups, that she has to tip it up
Other Things To Remember:
- Mazy still loves books – she knows where the touch ‘n feel parts of a book are
- She enjoys playing the piano and listening to me play it
- She will chew on anything we give her – we hope those teeth will pop through soon!
- She loves her mesh fresh food chew toy!
- She loves to shop while riding in the cart
- Mazy likes to sit on our bay window and watch the world go by
- She LOVES to dance
- She likes to play with balls and hit them
- Walks and bike rides never get old for her
- She is starting to learn how to show off – she knows when she is being cute!
- She lets us know when she is angry – she knows how to throw her WubbaNub when she is mad!
- For some reason, she does not like to get her pajamas on and to have her diaper changed
- Bathtime is still a favorite!
- She thinks it’s hilarious when she toots in the tub and the bubble come up – she giggles every time! We don’t giggle when there is a result of those toots though!
Mazy’s smile and big blue eyes just continue to melt our hearts! She has such a goofy personality! Everyone comments on how much she just loves life and people and it is so true! She continually teaches us to love and live life to the fullest! It has been fun to introduce new foods to her, like meats (even though she isn’t a fan of them). We are starting to have those feelings of “she’s growing up way too fast”, yet at the same time, it is so much fun to see her grow. Before we know it, she will be crawling! Makes me tear up to just think about the blessing she is to us. What a special gift from God, that we have the privilege of “opening” everyday.We love you, sweet Mazy girl!