Mazy’s First Haircut
Have you ever thought about how powerful the mind is? Dan was reading Jesus Calling recently and the devotion was about your mind; how negative or untruthful thoughts, can creep in and rule us. I listened intently because this past week, I was reminded of the verse from 2 Corinthians 10:5b which says: we take…
I LOVE this question! What is ONE thing you look forward to in the future? Aren’t the options endless? Let your mind sit here for a minute. What are you eager to witness? For me, I am eager to see where God leads our daughter in life. I see gifts that God is developing within…
I am going to join the rest of the choir and wonder where summer went? To think that it was Labor Day yesterday, completely befuddles us, but in a way, we are ready for fall and ROUTINE. Yes, we are those people! We can be incredibly spontaneous, but at the same time, we thrive off…
Dear Dan and Kristin, Your two babies are tucked away safely in me, taking residence with Jesus who also lives in me. This is the text we received at 10:36am this morning from Brenda. Got a little teary-eyed after reading that one! Praise be to God that our embryos are safe in her womb and most…
Here’s what’s been going on this past week! It was mighty windy this week, so we knew the waves of Lake Michigan were going to be some rollers! Made it out there and thought Mazy was going to blow away! She was a trooper, that’s for sure! Friday night we went to the Horizon Complex…
Last Monday at 5:00AM, we headed out from Unity CRC in Prinsburg, MN, and drove the 11 hours to Stevensville, Michigan, for the Solid Rock Youth Group Mission Trip. Why our hometown? Because of the short amount of time we have been here and because most organizations need applications in at least by March, we…