Mazy’s 2 Year Milestones

~ Height: 35 inches (85th%)
~ Favorites: grilled cheese, blueberries, fruit pouches, hot dogs, lasagna, mac ‘n cheese, strawberries, cheese, pizza, crackers, chips, goldfish, cereal, smoothies, fruit snacks, oatmeal cream pies
~ 2T clothes
~ 2T pants
~ Size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night
~ Wakes up between 7:00 and 8:00am. Enjoys cuddling while watching a show while she wakes up. Usually she doesn’t want anything to eat until about 9:30 or 10, which makes breakfast difficult. We just provide the food and we figure she will eat when she is hungry. Then it’s play time! Eats lunch at about 11:45 and goes down for a nap between 12:00 and 1:00. She usually sleeps about 2 hours, sometimes more and sometimes less. Mazy wakes up hard from naps, so more cuddling! Then it’s more play time! We eat dinner between 5:00 and 5:30, which she can only last until then anyways. Then off to whatever night activity we have or we just play at home. At 7:00 or so we do a bath, melatonin, a snack, and milk at 7:30, Daniel Tiger, Thomas, Curious George, or Peppa Pig per her request, and to bed at about 8:00 or 8:15.
~ Puts 3 words together
~ Likes to put things in the trash and keep things clean
~ Learning manners
~ Is really expanding her food choices
~ Learning how to sit in a timeout chair
~ Back to (almost) sleeping through the night
~ Chooses what to wear in a day
~ Still learning many new words and is a sponge
~ Starting to learn her colors
~ Can count to 10
~ Still loves to watch Danny (Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood), George (Curious George) and Tommy (Thomas the Tank Engine), and now Peppa (Peppa Pig) and Mouse (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), and Trol (Paw Patrol)
~ Favorite Toys: bike, play-doh, coloring, sidewalk chalk, blocks, dolls, books, playing catch, shape sorter, stickers, baby stroller, puzzles, Dr. Seuss books, putting things away, and throwing things in the trash
~ Is becoming scared by loud noises, such as loud trucks
~ All of a sudden is scared of flies
~ Calls things a “mess” and needs to pick up
~ Enjoys exercising and dancing
~ Asks to pray, wants to repeat our prayers, and enjoys story time after supper
~ Likes to sing songs with me and sing while playing the piano
~ Runs on her tip-toes when she gets really excited
~ LOVES kids
~ Enjoys swimming in the bathtub
~ Likes to go “shopping” and put a bag on her arm with toys inside of it.