One Last Taste Of Summer

One thing about Michigan winters (that we kind of forgot about) was that they can drastically change in temperature (not just weather like MN). It was in the mid-30s one day and Mazy’s cousins came over to play. They were sweet enough to take Mazers out too, and what a ball she had! I don’t…
I never thought I would say that. I know I have mentioned this story in the past, but it stands repeating since this is the perfect example of how messy and Kristin do not always match up. One day I was busy preparing food for many occasions when a youth group kid randomly stopped by….
I like to save every penny that I can – I wouldn’t necessarily call myself cheap, but frugal? Absolutely! With Cyber Monday just around the corner, did you know there is ONE more way that you can save money? And in fact, it isn’t just on Cyber Monday. You can get extra savings almost EVERY…
I have hesitated to write this post because it maybe goes against what I normally write about, but this has been something that has been heavy on my heart not just recently, but over the past few years. I have an opinion – about a lot of things. I am sure you have witnessed that…
This past weekend we had the chance to explore a little bit more of Minnesota up north! It was a very short weekend, but well worth it! Some friends of ours invited us up to a lake cabin where we spent quality time getting to know each other. It was a blessed weekend even though it…
The 4th of July is JUST around the corner! Are you ready to celebrate? Well, I have the opportunity to team up with Wayfair by sharing my favorite dessert to join the celebration – one that represents the red, white, and blue, and the stars & stripes of the American flag! I’m here to tell you…