Our “Agains”
When Mazy was a baby, I had this high expectation of myself to raise this well-behaved, sleep through the night, eat everything under the sun, compliant baby. I mean who doesn’t go into having their first kid, thinking that in some shape or form? It doesn’t matter how many children you have, we all set…
Last Wednesday, Dan and I flew out to Jacksonville, Florida, for Lauren Vriezema’s wedding. This was a trip that we were looking SO forward to because those who know us, know how close we are with the Vriezema family. We have a special bond with each member of their family and Brenda even carried our…
Last week, Dan took our youth group kids to St. Cloud, for the Junior High Retreat! They stay at a Holiday Inn and Suites, where the kids have many options of things to do, while also doing some fun things around the city. Because Mazy isn’t sleeping through the night quite yet, I decided it…
If you told us a year ago, that we would be where we are at in life, I probably would have laughed, not believing that God would bring us to the place He has. We sometimes have to sit and reflect we are living in another STATE. This past year HAS. ABSOLUTELY. FLOWN. BY. It…
Even though Mazy is now technically 8 weeks old, I decided to share the pictures I took of her at 7 weeks. I can’t get enough of those snuggles and decided to share my love for them in pictures! This week she has learned to turn her head from side to side, so feeding her can be…
This is one of those real and raw posts. But I know it’s a post that is part of the greater story, so that’s why I want to share it. A story that I don’t quite understand, and yes, even at times struggle to trust in every twist and turn, but in the end, this…