Our “Agains”
The other day, my husband was watching a military documentary. This is a common occurrence in our home and often times, I just tune them out. They aren’t really my thing. I happened to be cleaning our house at the time, so I ended up listening to the only noise I could hear. Within seconds,…
This past week was crazy and chaotic with finishing up the floors and helping Mazy recover from the influenza, but like in everything, God is gracious and God is good. We are basically done with the floors, Mazy has recovered, and we are moving forward! By Tuesday, Mazy was feeling up to running some errands…
On Tuesday, Mazy had her 2 week check-up and we have one healthy little girl! She is in the 99 percentile for height – well, actually, when you look at the chart, she is still off the charts! She weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and falls into the 73 percentile. Here is what…
If you live in Michigan, I don’t have to say it twice – this past week was one for the record books! I can’t ever remember saying “It’s STILL snowing” so many times in a week before and when I said it, it was the truth. Wow. I do not think I was alive to…
Back in Michigan, we lived directly across from an ice skating rink. We knew we HAD to buy ice skates – kind of a rite of passage. Even though we only went about once a year (sad, I know…), we were always thankful we at least owned skates. Then we move to Minnesota – what I…
There is just something about summer that offers this whole new outlook on life, along with new experiences. This summer has been so different for me personally because I haven’t felt this good in such a long time. Heat and humidity, I’ll admit, aren’t my friend, but I have been able to do everything my…