Our “Agains”
I recently shared with you some of Mazy’s favorite toys and while writing that post, I started to think about what some of Mazy’s favorite books have been. To be honest, some of Mazy’s favs have been the books that were hand-me-downs from my sister-in-law. Books that have now seen better days after Mazy has…
Mother’s Day. A day filled with so many emotions. It was a day I used to dread. A day I wouldn’t be able to get through without crying. A day I dreaded going to church on. A day that brought so many suppressed thoughts and emotions to the surface. A day I never thought I…
As you can tell, I haven’t been us “up” on my blogging as usual, but it’s because we haven’t been home! Dan and I had the privilege of being parents for a day and night for two of our youth group kids – loved it! We played mini-golf, played TTR (that is Ticket to Ride)…
Today was THE DAY we could find out the gender of lil’ baby Sterk! We both were SO eager for this day to come because we just wanted to KNOW! More than anything, we wanted to see our baby again. We couldn’t wait to see it’s little toes. It’s beautiful face. It’s formed body. A…
Just looking at the sheer number of pictures I took this week, I’d say it was an eventful week here at the Sterks, but in reality, it was actually pretty laid back and such a fun week. Here’s what our week looked like in pictures: Hard to believe that a week ago, this is what…
The song “Blessed Be Your Name” has been a theme song for Dan and I for a few years now. This is a song that we blare when it comes on the radio and sing it at the top of our lungs. Yes, we are those “sing in the car” people. This song has been…