Our Dreams Continue…
One thing I love about Christmas are the family get togethers. One thing I absolutely cherish about life is family. I really don’t know what I would do without my family. There is always something about “going home” that I look forward to EVERY time. Maybe it’s because we can’t see my family as often…
Mazy LOVES books! Almost every single day, we sit down for those few precious minutes, reading books. She has her go-to books every week, but then there are those that she repeatedly picks up, every single week. When I realized how much she loved books as a little girl, I decided to get a few…
So the saying that “God’s timing is perfect” once again proves so true (as always…never fails). Last night Dan and I were talking about our desires to just FIND a vehicle. To be honest, we were getting very discouraged and thought we would have to put way more money towards a vehicle than what we had…
Our final big summer event of the year has come and gone, all too quickly! Last week, we headed to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, for Dan’s family vacation in Munising. If you are wondering what this town has to offer, think Pictured Rocks National Park. Dan and I were both here as kids, but…
We have visitors :)! Dan’s brother Tom, his wife Kari and there 2 kids made the trek from Michigan to Minnesota yesterday! It is always nice having a piece of family out here! Thankfully the snow is gone (much different weather than when my parents were out here!) and we can enjoy the sights of…
Maybe we are a little obsessed, but I can’t help but share more pictures of her, now that she is officially 3 weeks old! I know that many have said to savor every moment, so that is what we are trying to do! She is growing up fast, so we want to make sure we…