Our Dreams Continue…
Well, summer was back this week in Michigan, so we tried to spend as much time as we could outside! This week marked celebrating my mom’s birthday, Maggie’s 1st birthday (it was a BIG deal in Mazy’s book), ending Mazy’s first soccer season, visiting friends, and celebrating all things fall! Here’s what we’ve been up…
Six months ago today, we were handed a little gift of life in our arms. A little life that has changed our lives in the most beautiful way. When we named our sweet girl Mazy Grace, we wanted it to be a testimony of God’s grace in our lives. Mazy has been all of that…
Mazy’s got it down. Anytime I give her something to color with, she immediately starts drawing in a circle. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to her circles, but then she glances up at me as if to say, “duh mom, it’s a puppy.” I should have known. It was staring me in…
I am not always one who likes to follow the “trends” in life. Not that I strive daily to go against the status quo, but I want to be careful to not get caught up cultural trends, which eventually fade. Then I read about the decade challenge. One day on Facebook, I saw all of…
The past few posts have been filled with pictures about what we have been up to physically. It has been exciting, a lot of hard work, and a bit stressful at times, but overall the transition has gone smoothly, which we couldn’t be more thankful for. We haven’t felt too overwhelmed with meeting new people,…
Not much by way of introduction, since we’ve kinda got the same ‘ole, same ‘ole, going on! So here goes… Mazy got some face paint from the dollar store and so she had to give it a try. You can tell someone was ecstatic about it and someone else was not: Mazy’s school had a…